Mystery In-Flight Strike Leads To Autoland Activation

A Cirrus SF50 Vision Jet pilot had an interesting experience on approach to Austin Bergstrom International Airport (KAUS) in Texas last month. According to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Preliminary Report (attached below), the pilot initially thought he had experienced a bird strike, followed by an uncommanded activation of the Emergency Autoland sequence – not once, but twice.

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It was probably Rodan flying off course. You don’t want to have a direct hit by Rodan. It would not be survivable.

Something oily dressed up in red, white and blue… Any politicians missing?


My personal opinion is it might be a hobby RC or a drone. As those are engine powered and could likely be the source of oil. Maybe a hobbyist got a little too close for comfort?

Would the autoland have a chance to activate and configure for landing that close to the runway?

Most RC aircraft and drones are battery powered nowadays. There are turbine powered RC aircraft that use liquid fuel, but they are not that common due to the expense of these models.

That was very close to a center strike. Most likely an RC/Drone didn’t make it home. Very surprised that no FOD entered the engine or impacted the V-tail.

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Anyone else think it odd that he didn’t think to put the stuff in a bag for the investigators?

Yes. Wouldn’t uncommanded activation of auto land be a required report?

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