Comm ASMEL, SES, Instrument, CFI-I, ME. Soloed 1959. Sold my last plane, an Aeronca Chief 4 years ago. Getting too old and had not killed anyone yet or wrecked an airplane, figured time to hang it up. Age 82 now. 38 years ATC, 4 USAF, 34 years FAA, L.A. area and then 8 years at the ORD Tracon, always 6 day work weeks. Four years as an ATC instructor in OKC. Been thumbing through AVWeb since about mid '90s, I believe. I just never discuss politics and don’t argue. I may present a thought, offer a rebuttal if necessary and then quit. I’m active on a USAF Clark AB FB site and a retired FAA site. Otherwise, don’t use FB. That’s me and I’m sticking to it. Roger Anderson