By their fruits, you shall know them. US “fruit”? 800+ military bases worldwide. China/Russia “fruit”? 3 combined outside of their territorial boundaries. Whose “fruit “ demonstrates global, empire expansionism? Does China want to expand its boundaries, manage more global population and cultures? No.They want to do business with global customers thus improving their economy for their citizens. Does Russia want to “rule” the world? No, they want to do business with equality and respect with all nations. How do we in the west know that? BRICS! US “fruit”? Destabilizing governments internally to force regime change by internal revolution, then install pro-US puppets whose governments are subsidized by US tax payers through money laundering corruption, allowing the US to plunder all of their resources. All in the name of “democracy” and “human rights”. Examples: Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria, Georgia, Cheznya, Romania, Germany, Iran, Afghanistan, Philippines, Taiwan, Moldova, Ukraine, Austria, Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Haiti, Venezuela…to name a few. The US Empire currently controls their resources and governments through orchestrated internal chaos, control of their economies via US corporations/banks, drug and human trafficking, or outright war. This is the combined West’s modus operendi for decades, especially after WWII. To accomplish all this, you have to keep the US citizens ignorant of all this by absolute control of the press. You replace historical facts with government narratives. Tell a lie long enough and loud enough it will be perceived as truth. The countries on the receiving end of the US Empire’s ambitions and resulting long term plunder under “democracy” and “human rights” narratives now have alternatives to this long term colonial exploitation… called BRICS. They know what war within their country looks and feels like. Individually and collectively, they are beginning to fight back. The US Empire know no other way of diplomacy other than “peace through strength”. But the US Empire does not have the military and financial muscle to manage/exploit all of these “colonies “. So, the US has to have enemies defined by false narratives to continuously placate the US citizen’s, robbing us of our money, destroying domestic tranquility, and causing global prejudices to keep this facade going. That’s democracy? No… that’s propaganda. We as a society, are going to hell and actually looking forward to the trip. Now that’s a very effective narrative. Do you think the “solution” is more massive tarrifs, more war, more isolation, more Chinese and Russian phobias, and global economic sanctions? How do you think that is working out in your region of the country so far? Or, should we cease being the global bully and focus our energy on lifting up our society, our manufacturing, our economy through honesty, integrity, innovation, and hard work?