Best Of The Web: Scoop From The Flight Deck

Quebec-based CL-415 SuperScooper amphibs have become one of the symbols of hope in the catastrophe that continues to unfold in Los Angeles. In this 10-year-old video by Paul Berube, we get a rare flight deck view of flight ops of the iconic plane.

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Where’s the video? I don’t see a link nor is there a live video shown.

found it:

sounds starts at 2:40

Wow! I’m assuming they touchdown on the water to begin the scoop? It was so smooth! Great video!

Typically they touch down lightly (staying on the step of the seaplane hull), extending pickup probe(s) and increasing power to compensate for drag of probe.

Retract probe and increase power as needed (the probe(s) create a lot of drag).

BTW, the CL415 is amphibious whereas the Mars is strictly a seaplane. Shin Maywa US-2 is amphibious, now comes in a fire tanker version of about 3300 USG capacity so twice the CL415.

(Adding to the fleet now fighting LA fires, a couple of US military Hercs with the spurt-out-paradrop door system, much less capacity than Coulson’s RADS tank system which former USCG Hercs will have for next year.)

Thanks Keith… We are thankful for these planes and especially the pilots that fly them!

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I’ve got a buddy who used to fly the “Global Supertanker”, but they were removed from service a couple of years ago. I’ll bet that LA could use a couple of B747s full of water about now…

Wow, that was smooth!

Too bad the Martin Mars couldn’t have helped out here. It would have been a beautiful opus.

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