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Men do not have dominion of, nor any authority over, the sky. Just because you can see it, does not make it yours.

The sky is the dominion of, but not limited to, the following gods and goddess, and they have decided the air and the sky are a commons and common Temple for everyone to use and enjoy.

Aeolus ~ Keeper of the Winds
The Anemoi ~ Winds
Atlas ~ Sky Bearer
Aurae ~ Breezes
Aurora ~ Northern Lights
Boreas ~ North Wind
Dysnomia ~ Aerobatics and Aerial Combat
Eos ~ Dawn and mother of the Anemoi / Winds
Euros ~ East Wind
Harpyiae ~ Whirl winds
Helius ~ Sun
Hera ~ Air Sky and Starry Constellations
Hesperides ~ Sunsets
Horae ~ Seasons
Iris ~ Rainbows
Notos ~ South Wind
Nyx ~ Night
Selene ~ Moon
Zephyrus ~West Wind
Zeus ~ Sky

Just because you cast your gaze skyward to emulate and make poor copies of mother nature’s flying creatures, does not make you superior to her. It only takes one hurricane, or gravity, to remind you who really is running the show… and it’s not man.

5 replies
17h ▶ choppergirl


Did I meet you back in '66 by the bay in San Francisco? Could be, man—those were some wild, cosmic times! I mean, the sky was totally a shared temple, then. And the colors, man. No walls, no borders, just pure vibes. And wow, dropping names like Zeus, Iris, and the whole celestial gang? That’s some next-level groovy energy.

4 replies
14h ▶ Raf


And don’t forget Flatus - Master of Gluteal Breezes



If these clowns violated the fire-fighting TFR, 12 months in federal prison is almost a slap on the wrist.



Raf, you are the best!! Who knew???

13h ▶ Raf


Raf, a most appropriate reply. You must have really been there.

Peace, over and out,



I didn’t even know all those gods! Well, Flatus maybe. :rofl:

12h ▶ Raf


Far out dude!!! Some righteous times man!



Please pass the Bong! :crazy_face:

12h ▶ choppergirl


WOW MAN!!! FAR OUT!!! Where did you get those 'shrooms, and where can I
get some?
Meanwhile, I’d hate to be ATC with you on the radio.

1 reply


First I’ll buy some beads
And then perhaps a leather band to go around my head
Some feathers and bells
And a book of Indian lore
I will ask the Chamber Of Commerce
How to get to Haight Street
And smoke an awful lot of dope
I will wander around barefoot
I will have a psychedelic gleam in my eye at all times
I will love everyone

Frank Zappa (Who actually wasn’t a dope head)

1 reply


Considering the possible consequences, espcially given the situation, those penalties are ridiculously light. Potential loss of life, cost of the aircraft, impact on the ground, interfering with emergency response…what if it were an airliner with 250 passengers on board?

1 reply
12h ▶ Chuck-the-Wise


Was a 38 year ATC kinda guy. Groovy times. Used it all the time, especially my years at ORD. That and , “Hey man! Just chill! This is gonna work…Probably.” Usually did.



Hey, guys. I don’t know “choppergirl”, but I (who have been known to wax eloquent-to-rhapsodic here on occasion) think we should give her a break. Her post had a prominent notice of “This is the first time choppergirl has posted – let’s welcome (her) to our community.”

Yes, her prose was a little florid, but I’m in no position to cast aspersions (or even tease someone) for their creative writing. Besides, if her handle can be trusted (not always the case in this forum) she flies helicopters which, I’ll wager, is beyond the skills of the majority of this audience. So, if she ever comes back to AvWeb, let’s cut her some slack.

(Unless, of course, she’s some pimply-faced fourteen-year-old boy who got an RC helicopter for Christmas. You never know around here…)

1 reply
11h ▶ choppergirl


There are no gods and goddess. Only the one true God.

11h ▶ bagofsuds


A musical genius and a very thoughtful individual. Some weird arse lyrics however. Remember, above all else, watch out where the huskies go and do NOT eat the yellow snow.

1 reply
11h ▶ Fast-Doc


Who else would teach Steve Allen to play the bicycle?

11h ▶ choppergirl


Such “philosophy” doesn’t do much to keep accidents from occurring.

11h ▶ Aviatrexx


I’m assuming the “choppergirl” handle is in reference to flying drones. There are a not insignificant number of drone pilots out there who don’t believe there should be airspace rules. That they should be able to fly anywhere they want, anytime they want. Can’t be sure unless she comes back to explain further, which I doubt is going to happen.

It is an entertaining post, none-the-less.

10h ▶ Chuck-the-Wise


Their troubles likely have only just begun. They may be sued for damages not only to the aircraft but to fire suppression efforts. If a civil court finds them liable for those damages, they could have to pay amounts far in excess of the criminal penalties.

7h ▶ choppergirl


Well this was a breath of fresh wind and it seems ‘skies the limit’ in creative expression. I love it :slight_smile:

A true pilot would never consider the thought of being superior to Mother Nature, but on each flight kindly ask permission to dance and thus upon placing feet solidly on the ground grateful for her kindness. reading this post I felt drawn back to this flight of words that hopefully continue to inspire hmans to take flight:

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth

And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;

Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth

of sun-split clouds,—and done a hundred things

You have not dreamed of—wheeled and soared and swung

High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there,

I’ve chased the shouting wind along, and flung

My eager craft through footless halls of air …

Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue

I’ve topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace

Where never lark, or even eagle flew—

And, while with silent lifting mind I’ve trod

The high untrespassed sanctity of space,

Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.

High Flight

By John Gillespie Magee Jr.

6h ▶ Raf


Is this the dawning of the “Age of asparagus?”



:peace_symbol: Peace, love, and tailwinds to all! :slightly_smiling_face: