Wreck Found But Recovery Must Wait Until Spring

Authorities in Nevada say they won't be able to reach the site of a plane crash in the mountains of Nevada until spring because access, even by helicopter, is currently impossible. It's believed the body of pilot Michael Martin is inside the plane but that won't be confirmed until a recovery team can navigate the steep, rugged terrain. Discovery of the wreck of the Cherokee Six will likely amplify the various conspiracy theories and plot twist scenarios floated since Martin, a Las Vegas executive, took off from North Las Vegas Airport on the morning of Jan. 2 without telling anyone even though his work calendar was full for the rest of the day. The wreckage was located near Mount Jefferson, about 300 miles northwest of Las Vegas.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/wreck-found-but-recovery-must-wait-until-spring

Prayers for the family and friends.

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