Who Will Fly Them?

If, as predicted by the study, the air taxi market doesn't materialize as predicted, a lot of the customers for those 4,200-odd jets will be owner pilots and that raises training and insurance issues. A Canadian company is addressing the pilot issues head-on with an "introductory" course for piston pilots who think they might like to fly jets. JetSet Inc., of Burlington, Ontario, held a training session for would-be jet jockeys over the past weekend and plans another for Nov. 24-25. The sessions give students a grounding in what will be expected of them as jet pilots for the relatively modest fee of about $2,250 USD. "This introductory course is for pilots who dream about flying a jet -- a much faster and appealing aircraft -- but who have not had the opportunity before," Edward Furtak, president of JetSet Inc., said in a news release.

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