Wanted For NBAA Convention -- Teachers And Students - AVweb

For the first time, NBAA will be hosting a Teachers' Day at its annual convention, coming up later this month in Las Vegas. The program, hosted by the nonprofit group Build A Plane, will be held in conjunction with the Careers in Business Aviation Day, on Thursday, Oct. 24. Keynote speaker for the event is Bonnie Jeanne Dunbar, former NASA astronaut and a professor of engineering at the University of Houston. The Teachers' Day program will introduce high-school teachers and students, and college students, to a variety of aviation education programs and opportunities, and provide abundant take-home materials. During the day, full admission to NBAA2013 will be free to event participants, and lunch will be provided.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/news/wanted-for-nbaa-convention-teachers-and-students