WACO Amphib Certified, First Example Delivered - AVweb

What could be better than a new WACO biplane? A new WACO biplane on floats. And better than that? A new WACO YMF-5F biplane on amphibious floats, which is what has just been delivered by the company. While the Battle Creek, Michigan-based firm has been flying a factory ship on Aerocet 3400 composite amphibious floats since 2017, this is the first production version after the certification was issued. This ship was just delivered and another is expected to leave the factory in June. Two more are in production after that.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/waco-amphib-certified-first-example-delivered

What a beautiful aircraft. Sadly, I will probably never own one.

Lovely plane but who asked for such a hyperspecialized aircraft, and how many do they expect to sell?

Beautiful, but that price is a lot to swallow. GA prices continue to balloon out of control. It’s only a matter of time before the only GA pilots who aren’t ultra rich are flying 30+ year old planes.