Universal Aviation Develops AI To Prevent Incursions

Universal Avionics' latest Aperture visual management system fuses real-time video analysis from multiple cameras, ADS-B data and real-time ATC and aircraft audio/speech recognition—plus Artificial Intelligence insights—to provide imaging with visual instructions displayed directly to cockpit avionics displays. The idea is to blend it all together (with AI front and center) for better obstacle avoidance, taxi guidance and traffic awareness to tame taxiway and runway incursions. AVweb's Editor in Chief Russ Niles stopped by the Universal Avionics booth at NBAA-BACE 2024 and caught up with Universal CEO Dror Yahav to learn more about the tech.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/multimedia/universal-aviation-develops-ai-to-prevent-incursions