The FAA is eliminating National Weather Service forecasters at all 21 of its Air Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCC) in favor of an automated system. The alarm was raised by the National Weather Service Employees Organization Monday. The group says forecasters will get their walking papers on April 20. The FAA didn't confirm the decision but told USA TODAY that something is in the works.
I don’t understand this. Is the current weather staff at the Centers merely regurgitating the automated forecasts from the NWS computer (a la Tawny Madison in “Galaxy Quest”) or are they the repositories of decades of valuable real-world weather patterns and local peculiarities?
Besides, hasn’t the FAA learned not to make any changes just before a new administration takes over? Regardless of party, a new boss will bring in new minions, and they never like the soup until they piss in it. Let them take the hit when getting rid of accumulated wisdom inevitably turns out to be a dumb idea.
I’ve been flying high and low altitudes since the early 70s and did not know each center had a weather specialist. I’ve picked my way through, under, over, and around all kinds of weather by simply requesting deviations or telling center my plans. Center often warns me of weather that isn’t there or it’s not as bad as they say. I understand the CYA reason. At the same time, I can only recall one time finding the weather worse than center advised. With all the preflight and in-flight weather information available today, a pilot should have an excellent idea of what to expect as far as weather and have plans to deal with it. If they don’t, the problem isn’t that someone in center didn’t tell them about it.
Back when they allowed tours of Chicago/ZAU, I got to see the area where the WX work took place. It appeared the team funneled in numerous weather sources to provide the reports/guidance for the rest of the center. As I recall, their biggest focus was getting ahead of changes to prepare for arrival and approach updates. If the human element was important, expect the fallout to occur there.
While automation has come a ways since the early 80s, there may be times when having weather staff at ARTCC when real time PIREPS come in is useful.
For example, I was en route from southeastern Maryland to Fort Wayne one clear and smooth summer day. Over Morgantown at 9000 I found myself in smooth air, clear skies and a > 2000 f/min updraft. I asked center for a block, they ask a series of questions before they gave it to me. A mile down the road I topped out at the top of my block at 13, all in smooth clear air. I began a descent back to the assigned altitude, when all the dickens broke out behind me in the newly announced CWA, followed within minutes of new WST. I think, at least in that circumstance, having a local weather guesser in the center led to a faster response to rapidly changing atmospheric conditions. I’d like to hear the FAA’s thoughts on whether delays of the kind we see with ADSBin weather are signficant.
Weather forecasting is data driven. This may be an instance where AI could shine.
Imagine weather models generated from the last 380 years of data gathering and the thousands of personal weather stations dotted across the back yards of the U.S. And then, continuously processing that data with a remarkable memory.
This is actually fake news and Union propaganda. Speaking from the inside…DOT has told the FAA they cannot cancel this contract and to get back to the table so to speak. CWSU units aren’t going anywhere. There may be some changes, however, not being terminated.
Yes, Raincheck is not a thing, but if someone wants a tour they merely need to reach out to the facility. The standard rules still apply with regard to citizenship.
Not good! As one who worked at DEN ARTCC for 33+ years, 15 of which were in the Traffic Management Unit (TMU), we sat right next to the Center Weather Meteorologists and relied on them extensively during convective season to forecast impacts at DEN. Also for visibility/fog events not to mention snow squalls etc. These were NWS meteorologists that specialized in weather impacts to the ARTCC and Terminal environments and the local weather patterns. They also assisted controllers in locating VFR weather when VFR pilots would inadvertently fly into IMC.
It is not fake news. It is accurately reported comment from a credible source. You seem to have inside information that contradicts it. Care to share? I’ll accurately report that, too. Send it to
So who has hear of a Center Weather Advisory? The can change forecast for a specific area due to changing conditions. Automation? best of luck with that sice we have dumbed down the training that soon it will be red light green light…
The article seems to be somewhat misleading. It starts off saying the FAA is removing weather forecasters, making it sound like a done deal, when actually, the FAA hasn’t officially decided yet. They’re still working with NOAA to look at options, and they haven’t confirmed any specific changes.
The wording makes it seem like forecasters will definitely lose their jobs soon. It leans heavily on the union’s warning about safety without making it clear that the FAA is still figuring things out and hasn’t committed to cutting forecasters.