TSA Imposing Tighter Security On Part 380 Charters

Passengers on so-called hop-on charters will have to go through TSA-type security screening under new rules being proposed by the TSA. The carriers operate aircraft weighing more than 12,500 pounds under Part 380 allowing by-the-seat booking of charter aircraft. The will be able to continue flying from FBOs and private hangars but they will have to install equipment necessary to screen passengers and in-cabin luggage and personal items to airline standards according to viewfromthewing.com. The publication said the TSA issued a statement confirming the impending changes, which may occur in six months.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/tsa-imposing-tighter-security-on-part-380-charters

Just the next step in the TSA power and money grab, with the eventual goal of requiring all charter flights, regardless of aircraft size, to fly in and out of airports and FBOs with TSA approved screening equipment.

Since the bill submitted in the House went nowhere that would have mandated this, I wonder where the TSA got the authority to mandate this?

Thank you Mr. Niles. Can you site specifics regarding where JSX, Aero, XO and/or Bark Air need to tighten their security? Do you have a citation other than Private Jet Cards Comparison " . . . talked to someone from the industry"? How does “making the airport experience a lot less irritating” impact security? Does allowing passengers to arrive as little as 20 minutes before boarding create a challenge for security screening of 30 or less passengers? Please do tell.

With the new rules set to take effect in 6 months and Trumps moratorium on new rules until they are reviewed by a Trump appointee, this may likely be a moot point.

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