Top Aces Notches New Training Contract With German Air Force

Canadian-based Top Aces has announced a new contract with the German armed forces to provide adversary air training services. Top Aces has been serving in that role with Germany for the past six years and will invest in new technology capabilities for its A-4N Skyhawk and F-16. Now the exclusive provider of adversary air services to German and Canadian armed forces, privately owned Top Aces was founded in 2000 by a group of former fighter pilots. Of the current staff, 80 percent of the pilots flying against clients' air forces are graduates of the U.S. Navy Top Gun Fighter Weapons School. The company employs 270, overall, and will be expanding its German footprint at Wittmundhafen Air Base with 20 more “highly skilled employment opportunities,” according to Rolf Brandt, senior program manager of German operations. Wittmundhafen is home to the Eurofighter Typhoon-equipped Tactical Wing 71 of the German air force.

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