Texas Aircraft Introduces Colt Financing Program - AVweb

Texas Aircraft Manufacturing has introduced a new financing program for its Colt-S and Colt-SL S-LSA aircraft. Fly-Away Financing is the result of a partnership between Texas Aircraft and Hondo, Texas-based Community National Bank. According to the company, prospective aircraft buyers can now access an online form to calculate their down payment, loan terms and total monthly payments.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/ownership/finance/texas-aircraft-introduces-colt-financing-program

Innovative aviation financing…buy here, pay here. It will be interesting to see the available terms. This is the kind of marketing strategy that will really define what the true LSA and trainer market really is. When you combine the manufacturing, sales, and financing in one place with flexible credit terms, it will be a great way to see what the potential really is vs the “sky’s the limit” mantra.