Sun 'n Fun Launches Job Fair

Sun 'n Fun held its first job fair on Wednesday, with 13 companies offering jobs for pilots, mechanics, ground crew, flight attendants, and a variety of other aviation-related careers. Robb Williams, manager of Sun 'n Fun's Aerospace Discovery Center, told AVweb about 300 job-seekers had signed up for the event, which was free after paying $37 for a day pass to the show. "Come to the airshow, leave with a job," was his hope for those who attended, he said. Piper was there, looking for sheet-metal assemblers and a variety of aircraft workers for their Vero Beach plant, and Jet Blue was talking with potential applicants and directing them to a company website to submit resumes. Representatives from American Eagle said they are "actively hiring" and aiming to fill new-hire classes twice a month.

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