Piper will be delivering the first copy of its own PiperSport light sport aircraft at Sun 'n Fun on Tuesday afternoon. The airplane has been tweaked a bit from the SportCruiser model by Czech Sport Aircraft that the company adopted. Besides the fresh paint job, Piper's version of the LSA includes a beefed-up nosegear, a BRS chute as standard, a sunshade for those Florida summers, and adjustments to the pitch control, Jackie Carlon, Piper's marketing director, told AVweb on Monday. "We've also made the leather interior a standard feature, as well as the dual Dynon avionics," she said. Piper promises to have more news at a press conference on Tuesday morning.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/air-shows-events/pipersport-lsa-ready-to-deliver