There are now four Phenom 100s flying in the Embraer flight-test program, CEO Frederico Fleury Curado said at Sun 'n Fun on Wednesday, and the jet is on track for certification and first deliveries by the end of this year. Also, the first Phenom 300 is under construction in Brazil. The fuselage and wing have been mated together, and final assembly is near completion. First flight for the 300 is expected later this year. Curado confirmed that the company has over 700 orders for the two aircraft, from 44 countries. He also talked about the company's two new jets, which were recently announced as definite programs. The mid-size jet is scheduled for deliveries in 2012, and the mid-light jet for 2013. Both will be powered by the latest generation of the Honeywell HTF7000 turbofan engine. Final names and prices for the two new clean-sheet designs will be announced at EBACE in Geneva this May, Curado said.
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