Stupid Pilot Tricks - AVweb

Sure as the BRS Save‑O’‑The‑Month calendar flips to a new year, we here at the Department of Self‑Righteous Finger Pointing present the best of the dumbest ways pilots have contributed to keeping the skies safe by rendering as many aircraft as possible unairworthy. Today, we review the year 2016, which reflected a modest improvement in not crashing but still logged 1627 accident/incidents worthy of NTSB note. That’s 4.46 events per day or roughly one prang every 5.3 hours. As with past Stupid Pilot Tricks, we use NTSB “probable cause” results and don’t report on fatal accidents.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Only the truth is funny; and that was hilarious…

Haha! I nearly sprayed my coffee at the screen, wonderful. Especially liked “No problem (for investigators).”

Hmmm. Aerial pix from an AT-6… rolling inverted just may be the best way to get the whole farm in the frame. You can’t hardly fault that logic.

Actually, you CAN use the runway, all of it, including the displacement area, for takeoff. Just not for landing, though I think I dipped my wheels on top of a chevron once; luckily the FAA wasn’t watching.