SpaceX Mission Launches 24 Satellites - AVweb

SpaceX’s successful launch early Tuesday morning placed 24 satellites in three different orbits and marked the first time the Falcon Heavy side boosters had been reused. They had been part of the Arabsat-6A launch in April.

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That pic of the 3 exhaust groups… wow. So much stuff going one way to push so much stuff the other way.

Good report, but unclear whether all three boosters were successfully recovered. Getting the core back intact always is the main recovery challenge.

It is pretty amazing that it all happens in less than 15minutes. Yes, the picture of 27 Raptor engines all firing at once is an impressive sight.

Just found that the core booster missed the drone ship and landed in the Atlantic Ocean nearby. Too bad. Not sure if they can salvage any of the booster, but they generally will float, so possible for some recovery.