Sonex Begins Microjet Kit Deliveries

Sonex Aircraft has shipped its first SubSonex JSX-2 personal jet kit, launching the initial set of deliveries from the microjet's first production run as a quick-build kit. The SubSonex's arrival to Redge Greenberg of Durango, Colorado, "marks the conclusion of an intense six-month effortto bring JSX-2 from prototype aircraft to a fully-developed quick-build kit product," Sonex said in this week's announcement. The SubSonex is a single-seat aircraft powered by the PBS TJ-100 turbojet, which can produce247 pounds of thrust. The JSX-2 is an update from the JSX-1, powered with the same engine but with a larger cockpit and panel, fully retractable landing gear, a BRS ballistic parachute and higher fuel capacity.

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