Santa Monica To Close In 2028

Santa Monica Airport will close in 2028 and the runway will almost certainly be shortened to 3,500 feet. The FAA announced Saturday that it had reached an agreement to end decades of legal wrangling over the airport, which is surrounded by urban development and has been targeted for closure by local politicians since the 1980s, citing safety and environmental concerns. Under the terms of the deal, the airport has to be maintained in "continuous and stable" operating condition until Dec. 31, 2028, and allows the city to chop almost 1,500 feet from the runway. The airport has 270 aircraft and about 450 landings and takeoffs a day. It's likely the short runway will curtail itinerant operations and may force some of the aircraft based there to move. Until the runway is shortened, the FBOs and flight schools at the airport can stay in business but after the bulldozers are finished the city can assume services at the airport. The deal is significant because it mentions local land use decisions as a factor in making decisions about aviation services and EAA Chairman Jack Pelton was quick to point that out. It's also clear that none of the aviation groups were in on the discussions.

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