Repair Parts Running Out For GNS 430/530 - AVweb

Garmin says those who still rely on its early generation navigation products should start planning a panel upgrade. The company says "multiple component availability limitations" mean the parts needed to fix the devices that heralded a revolution in aviation navigation and in-flight information are fading away. "First introduced in 1998, Garmin has offered repair service for the GNS 430/530 series for 25 years," the company said in a brief service advisory issued March 14. "Garmin plans to continue offering repair service when the components required for a specific repair remain available. Database updates and technical support will also remain available."

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Great video, Paul. It shows that the simple looking X-1 was actually a very complex machine that would have been a handful to fly. Obviously, Yeager and the other test pilots really had “the right stuff”.


Paul–what a great tutorial! I’ve read a number of books and articles on the project, but NONE have measured up to your relatively short video.

You deserve a THANK YOU from the entire aviation community!

> Obviously, Yeager and the other test pilots really had “the right stuff”.

Yeager especially, since he grew up around oil field equipment and became a mechanic before a pilot, which helped with the temperamental X-1 rocket engine.

One of the advantages the US had over Japan in WW2 was that Americans in general had more education and farm equipment experience, so almost anybody could be a pilot applicant. Japan however recruited applicants at 14 yo like ninjas, and lost their “ninjas” after the Coral Sea and Midway battles. (The Axis militaries also flew their pilots until they died, whereas the US recycled them back home as instructor pilots.) Only 29 planes were shot down at Pearl Harbor, but that might be more significant than realized since the pre-war naval aviator classes only had 100 students per year, and about 10 washed out.

I just love our USAF Museum. And I imagine most know abut this, but if not, they have a fantastic virtual 360 degree HD photo tour of many of their aircraft. Here’s the link for you to scroll around on.

Always enjoy your articles, informative and interesting. This video was terrific. You exposed so much info in a concise program that any aviation buff would enjoy. Especially liked your cameo of the turbo pump discussion. Keep up the great work.

Some believe Bell test pilot Chalmers “Slick” Goodlin was actually the first to break the sound barrier, despite the many conflicting stories. Lots of politics and publicity involved as always.

That was great Paul… thanks… Please don’t take this video down any time soon.

Excellent. Thanks for this.

Excellent narrative. Thanks.

Eric, I was a personal friend of Slick, and he told me point blank that he never flew super sonic. On one of his last flights the ground heard a noise and some assumed it was him breaking the sound barrier. The Mach meter or recording graphs verified he did not.

Paul, excellent job. There was a new book written called “ Goodlin and the Bell XS-1 by Roy Lindberg “ it is for sale at the Niagara Aerospace Museum. Extensive research from the Bell Aircraft archives, inter office memos from Wright Field, and documents from Chalmers Goodlin personal files correct the records and false statements about Slick demanding $150K to fly the aircraft in Phase 3 of the flight test program. It also details his career. One of America’s greatest test pilots who reputation was tarnished by egos.

The Niagara Aerospace Museum was selected by Slick Goodlin to be the recipient of his personal artifacts. On display for example is his flight gear from his last X-1 flight, SETP certificate, photographs, etc.

Niagara Aerospace Museum
Niagara Falls Intl. Airport
9990 Porter Road
Niagara Falls, New York 14304

Brilliant, as always!

Excellent! Just like the X-1 was much more complex than it appeared, the background of putting together the video had to have been pretty complex to get to the finished product. Very impressive.

Superb video Paul and thank you for the time and effort putting it together. Fascinating when one considers this aircraft (as well as most Kelly Johnson designs) were designed using slide rules and protractors!

Planed obsolescence is my take on this. I love the 430 in the plane that I fly. It took them years to upgrade to it. Now it will have to be repeated? If and when it fails? I will be retired before that happens…

Agreed. The only components with “availability limitations” are those Garmin chooses not to address. The only electronic components I’m familiar with that are in shorter supply or can’t be bought for less money than they were 25 years ago are vacuum tubes. Garmin started this kind of thing the minute they acquired UPSAT, the only difference between that time and now is that Garmin has graduated from shaking owners down for thousands of dollars and is now shaking owners down for tens of thousands of dollars.

Fine by me. I had an Avidyne 540 in my last plane and don’t really need an excuse to go to the 440 in my current plane to replace the 430W.