Red Tail Academy Takes The Keys To Its First Piper Pilot 100i Trainer - AVweb

Glendon Fraser, director of the Newburgh, New York-based Lee A. Archer Jr. Redtail Youth Flying Program, accepted the keys to an appropriately red-tailed Piper Pilot 100i trainer during a ceremony at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh on Tuesday, July 27. Acting President and CEO of Piper Aircraft John Calcagno made the handoff in front of a vintage photograph depicting members of the famed Tuskegee Airmen being briefed for a combat mission. The red-tailed Piper, the first of two ordered in May, was parked in the background.

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This is a great program and an opportunity for young persons to get into our expensive but fun aviation game. When I was a kid you could rent a wet C150 for $8 and hour. Those days are gone.

Was 6 bucks in CA in '67 - my CFI pay was also 6/hr.