Pratt & Whitney Begins GTF Advantage Certification Testing - AVweb

Pratt & Whitney has begun Part 33 certification testing for its GTF Advantage engine, according to a company announcement at the Farnborough International Airshow on Monday. Pratt & Whitney reports that it has already conducted extensive endurance testing on the engine and has logged more than 2,000 development and certification test hours with the model to date. Designed for the A320neo family, the GTF Advantage is expected to enter service in 2024.  

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

1% fuel reduction does not seem like much but I’d imagine with the numbers they are dealing with and the cost of fuel it adds up over the engines lifetime.

They have a lot of catching up to do with the LEAP from GE/SNECMA. Claiming less CO2 production gets a “duh” award - if you burn less fuel you produce less CO2. Who cares though anyway? We exhale CO2, what plants use as food to make Oxygen. More CO2 makes plants grow quicker.

Kent is just going scorched earth in the comments today. Me boomer. Throw poo.

…as opposed to your comment, which was super intelligent.
