Pilots Hope To Swap Planes In TV Stunt

Two pilots will attempt to swap airplanes in flight in a made-for-TV stunt that will air live on April 24. According to the Hollywood Reporter, Red Bull Air Force member Luke Aikins and his cousin Andy Farrington will take a pair of Cessna 182s to 14,000 feet and push them into synchronized dives. The autopilots in the aircraft have been rigged to hold the aircraft in vertical dives with the help of custom air brakes that fold out from the belly, according to the showbiz publication. They will then cut the engines, exit their aircraft and maneuver to the other’s in time to restart the engines, recover from the dive and land. The stunt is called Plane Swap and will be covered live on Hulu in the U.S. and on Red Bull TV at 7 p.m. EDT on April 24.

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