Pilots Escape Burning Cargo 737 In Brazil

The two crew members aboard a Total Cargo Boeing 737-400 RS managed to get the burning aircraft on the ground in Sao Paulo, Brazil early Saturday before rappeling to safety from a window using the emergency escape rope. The drama unfolded on a short flight from Vitoria. The crew declared an emergency on final and controllers said flames were visible after the plane stopped on the runway. The pilots were not hurt. The fire is believed to have started in the cargo.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/pilots-escape-burning-cargo-737-in-brazil

If this is another lithium battery fire, it looks like they are becoming a significant hazard. Lithium battery safety needs more then a ‘Safety Alert’ document.

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Looks like that 737 is…Total’d! :smile:

Terrible dad jokes aside, that crew did an excellent job getting a burning jet on the ground. There are very few examples of an in-flight cargo fire resulting in a positive outcome. The UPS DC-8 in Philly in 2006 is the only other one I know of.

Fedex had one at EWR as I recall. MD11 perhaps?

I was today years old when I learned 737’s have an escape rope.

727s had escape ropes, too. I flew them. I would expect that all airliners have escape ropes.

They do (plus more characters).

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