NTSB: Autopilot Anomaly Cited In Wisconsin Metroliner Crash - AVweb

The NTSB preliminary report on a Nov. 15 accident at Waukesha (Wisconsin) County Airport (KUES) cites autopilot anomalies with the Fairchild SA227-AT twin turboprop. The aircraft was substantially damaged, but the single passenger on the Part 135 on-demand cargo flight was uninjured. The two pilots receive minor injuries. Fifty-six dogs on board also survived the crash landing.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/ntsb-autopilot-anomoly-cited-in-wisconsin-metroliner-crash

Icing event?..flight director reflecting onset of sinking/drifting with autopilot masking impending stall/loss of roll control?

What did the altimeter say?