No Quick Recovery: Boeing’s Pessimistic Forecast

Boeing released its “2020 Boeing Market Outlook (BMO)” today that says while defense and government services are expected to remain stable, overall conditions for the airlines “will continue to face significant challenges due to the pandemic.” Looking out of the next decade, Boeing estimates the overall market demand will fall from $8.7 to $8.5 trillion, and that while airlines are now recovering slowly “a full recovery will take years.” The overall outlook predicts demand for airliners of all sizes to be 11 percent lower than estimated last year, amounting to 18,350 units over the next decade. “In the longer term, with key industry drivers expected to remain stable, the commercial fleet is forecasted to return to its growth trend, generating demand for more than 43,000 new airplanes in the 20-year forecast time period,” the report said. In general, the single-aisle airliner and freighter markets are expected to recover sooner than for widebody aircraft, based on the slower recovery for long-distance travel demand.

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