Nigeria Threatens To Ground 60 Bizjets Over New Duties

Nigeria's government sent its wealthy elite scrambling for their checkbooks on Monday when it threatened to clip their mostly N-registered wings. The country imposed import duties in 2023 on the 60 or so mostly large-cabin foreign registered bizjets favored by its oil and banking moguls. So far, most of them have ignored the law but after an audit in June and July the government gave the aircraft owners until Oct. 14 to pay up or have their planes grounded. It's not clear how they would be prevented from flying.

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The other thing the Nigerian government (and maybe the US gov, too) might want to look into is that of the 4 planes whose tail numbers you can read in the photo, only one actually shows up in the FAA registry. The others all come back as Unassigned in the registry.

Nigeria isn’t known for its wealthy citizens complying with demands from the government for cash. Politicians will no doubt come up with a reason why the owners are exempt!

Why do bad things happen to good people?

“It’s not clear how they would be prevented from flying.”

The Denver Boot…

No Doubt, they will be exempt once the politicians are paid (individually).

That pic does not look real!