Flight-path changes implemented due to NextGen have resulted in noise complaints in neighborhoods across the country, but due to the way the NextGen technology works, it may be difficult to address those conflicts, according to an Associated Press story published this week. David Grizzle, a former FAA chief operating officer, said it's not possible to redesign procedures to fix the problems without losing out on NextGen's advantages. "There is an intrinsic issue of concentrating noise in particular places that comes with precision-based navigation that is inescapable," he told the AP. The FAA said that despite complaints from residents, "simply reverting to previous air traffic control procedures is not viable." The new procedures are "interdependent," and any changes would have a domino effect, the FAA said.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/recent-updates/business-military/nextgen-brings-noise-complaints