National Flight Training Alliance Partners With FAA To Modernize Flight Training Regulations

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has named the National Flight Training Alliance (NFTA) as its official industry partner to spearhead the modernization of Part 141 regulations governing flight training in the United States.

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Elon is right, American’s are lazy. You can’t ignore the obvious. American’s are mostly fat too.
Fat isn’t a positive feature to have in aviation.

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Staying on course. The “Modernization of Part 141 Initiative” could complicate flight training and put Part 61 schools at a disadvantage. Most student pilots train under Part 61 because it’s more flexible and affordable. However, these changes could increase costs, making it harder for new pilots to get started. By shifting focus to more expensive, structured Part 141 programs, the modernization might discourage new pilots from entering aviation, potentially worsening the existing pilot shortage.

Additionally, eAviation is still in its early stages, with limited standardization and underdeveloped instructional frameworks. Placing significant emphasis on training for a technology that is not yet fully developed is impractical at this time.

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Raf, you just don’t want to address the other side of the problem. All you want to do is treat the symptom. The problem is not going away Raf. It doesn’t matter how much you tie yourself up in knots. Unless you address the obvious, nothing will change.

OK, I’ll bite. Neither are my heroes, but I can’t find anywhere that fat was an issue in their comments. Musk did compare work ethics, saying Chinese workers often burn the midnight oil while some Americans avoid work like it’s jury duty. Ramaswamy criticized American culture for valuing prom queens over math nerds. Neither called Americans lazy or brought up weight. If they did, I can’t figure out their motivation, doesn’t seem like a way to make friends, that’s for sure.

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I said basically the same thing, but my comment was “ignored.”

… whatever …. :roll_eyes:

Have you looked in the corporate mirror lately Tommy? I don’t think you have.

You continue to ignore the obvious. Hard work and discipline is what will put a person in the right seat, or, left for that matter. Ignoring the obvious which has been going on for decades is not surprising.

Making friends isn’t the focus Raf. Making pilots is. You prove my point.

I know, I have an idea, how about DIE. That will fix everything.Why did I not think about that earlier? Foolish me…

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