More Pentagon Money For 6th-Gen Fighter Engine

The War Zone (TWZ) website is reporting that the U.S. Air Force has “dramatically plussed-up” the budgets of contracts with engine manufacturers’ that are working on next-gen fighter engines. Both General Electric and Pratt & Whitney now have $3.5 billion budgets to work on their Next Generation Adaptive Propulsion (NGAP) programs. The information was released today as part of the Pentagon’s daily contracting notice, according to TWZ.

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One less F-35 to upgrade:
Video of F-35 fighter jet crashing at Eielson AFB in Alaska, pilot ejects and survives.

F35 not even fully deployed yet and and already needs a new, very expensive engine. Someone will get even richer. The saga continues and a president who said he would cut waste signs off on it.

A man who has been in office barely a week, and your TDS shines through brightly.

Oh thank God. I was worried no one was going to find a way to make this political

Wow, that’s a whole lot of new electronics for the control systems.
Can we be assured that all electronics are manufactured in the USA?

Has anyone in the DOD considered the likelihood that in 20 years, manned fighters may be an anachronism? That there could be supersonic drones, hypersonic missles capable of downing them, and ground attack drones that outperform the A-10? Instead we continue to dump hundreds of billions of dollars into upgrading conventional weapons systems. Seems very near-sighted to me.

The Ukrainians are already at work on AI-piloted drones that can continue their mission even if they lose contact with their controllers.

Yay politics. Assholes screaming at assholes.

The F35 saga has been going on so long that I am sure that when Pontius was a pilot it was on the drawing board and dinars disappeared. Nothing political about it.

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