Maintenance Glitch Downed Snowbirds Aircraft - AVweb

An improperly assembled oil filter led to the crash landing of an RCAF Snowbirds jet at an airport in northern British Columbia on Aug. 2, 2022, that ended the popular team’s show season. An investigator’s report released by the RCAF on Sept. 21 says the engine on the CT-114 Tutor failed just after takeoff from Fort St. John Airport on what was supposed to be a ferry flight back to the team’s home base in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. The team had left Fort St. John the day before in other aircraft to prepare for a performance in Penticton, B.C., about 800 miles away in southern British Columbia. The Penticton show and every one since has been canceled because of the incident. The team was scheduled to perform three shows in California in early October.

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Glad the pilot was ok but a maintenance review will definitely be in order. Wonder is the mechanic/engineer was rushed while doing the work?

Even high risk air show demo teams suffer from human error… operationally, maintenance, and (fraudulently or sub-standard) parts.

I bet they checked the other oil filters.