Jetson Personal eVTOL Now On Sale - AVweb

A Swedish company has unabashedly adopted the pop culture name synonymous with flying cars and is now taking orders for what might be a viable personal eVTOL. The production model Jetson One was unveiled last week and the 12 ultralight and drone-like single-seat aircraft being built in 2022 have already been sold at the introductory price of $92,000. The company’s brazen adoption of the name of the iconic space age cartoon family made popular in the 1960s is also reflected in its mission statement. “Our mission is to make flight available to everyone,” the company said in its news release. “The Jetson ONE is an electric helicopter that you can own and fly.  We intend to make everyone a pilot.”

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Jetson has been in Arezzo, Italy, for at least 2 years now? SE of Florence, Italy. So probably no longer a Swedish company. Jetson website appears to be selling a complete aircraft, not a kit. But, without full access to the Jetson 1 ordering system; it is unknown. An update from you is highly desirable, as Jetson updates their website maybe quarterly. The Jetson 1 appears to have a legal auto width, unlike all other small eVTOLs. Or the eVTOL to purchase, at least used whenever they show up on the market. Jetson’s ordering list shows 478 Jetson 1s on order. So the Jetson 1 appears to be the market choice at $128,000 each. Getting an owners manual/Jetson 1 Aircraft Manual or a detailed build instruction manual is number one on my list. I have made inquiries to Jetson without response. If you know of anyone selling an owners manual/Jetson 1 Aircraft Manual or a detailed build instruction manual; please advise on a manual purchase to email: Thanks.