Of course, there are huge financial implications in the audit, but money isn't everything. The IG also intends to investigate whether the move has impaired safety or adversely affected service (Lockheed Martin had service guarantees built into the contract). Publications like AVweb are often a sounding board for those types of issues. There have been a few letters from pilots reporting service or safety issues but, while passionate, they've been comparatively few and far between. Whether that means pilots are being patient during the transition or that Lockheed is so far living up to its promises, we suppose the audit will tell. One group that has quite naturally been vocal through the whole process is the National Association of Air Traffic Specialists (NAATS). President Kate Breen seems to think the audit might be a whitewash. "If this is an honest-to-goodness audit, then I'm thrilled," she told Government Executive. Lockheed Martin won the contract over five other bidders, including a cooperative bid between NAATS and Harris Corp. Breen said the selection process seemed slanted in favor of the private contractor.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/leadnews/inspector-general-to-check-fss-money-safety-service