When reflecting upon the mythical glories of flight it’s easy to ignore the unsexier aspects that rarely leak into print. Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s Wind, Sand and Turf ©, a treatise on North African runway maintenance in the 1930s, was an exception but found an embarrassingly limited audience, mostly in Wisconsin, the state that spawned EAA, and where lawncare is sacred, second only to beer and often inseparable. When the first green shoots poke through melting snow in the upper Midwest—June 15 or 20 at the latest—grass-lusting pilots fling open hangar doors, inhale the earthy blend of warming soil and avgas dripping from faulty gascolators and sing, “Gotta mow!”
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/insider/id-rather-be-mowing