Historic B-17 Makes Trans-Atlantic Flight Back To Europe - AVweb

Almost 65 years to the day after the original 390th Bomber Group departed for their trip across the Atlantic, the Liberty Belle B-17 is repeating her historic journey to England. The flight, which departed on June 30, took the historic aircraft on its original famed route, which originates from its home base in Georgia. Day one of the Liberty Belle's trip took the B-17 to Bangor, Maine, then to Goose Bay, Canada, where it stayed for the night. Day two's first stop was Narsarsuaq, Greenland, for a short fuel stop. Then it was off to the "Lost Squadron" location on the Greenland Icecap followed by another stop at Reykjavik, Iceland. After one more short stop at Prestwick, Scotland, the Liberty Belle will be back at home base at RAF Airfield in Framlingham, UK. The total round-trip distance is 7,800 miles.

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