High Altitude Flying - AVweb

Everybody wants to move up. I guess it's just natural. Most pilots start out flying "low and slow" and long to go higher, faster, further. The Cessna 150 turns into a 172 and then a 210, to a twin and now everybody is dreaming about a Very Light Jet (VLJ).You see it somewhat in controllers, too. Most of the young people in Towers dream of moving "up" to a radar room. And many can't wait to get to one of the "big houses" like Atlanta, Chicago or New York Approach. Or a Center. Even once they're in the Centers, most want to work the high-altitude sectors and work "the big jets."There are a few oddballs like me who would rather work the low-altitude sectors. If the truth be known, I think working a small Tower would suit me just fine. And the only airplane I'd consider owning would be along the lines of a Piper Cub. Low and slow with the window open, watching the countryside unfold in endless shades of green set against that blue, blue sky with those cotton ball clouds ...

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/features/say-again-64-flying-higher