Hawaiian Gate Crasher Starts King Air Engines, Faces Multiple Charges - AVweb

Following a wild Friday, Monday was not a good day for Gabriel Arjona-Molina, and chances are today (Sept. 1) things will get even worse. The Venezuelan national, who had been in Hawaii for two months, has already appeared in a South Hilo courtroom, charged with five offenses including criminal property damage in the first degree (damaging property during the emergency period), attempted theft in the first degree (theft of property valued at over $300 or more during the emergency period and/or theft of property valued at $20,000 or more), unauthorized control of a propelled vehicle in the first degree and criminal trespass in the second degree.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/hawaiian-gate-crasher-starts-king-air-engines-faces-multiple-charges

If he wants to fly so bad deport him to Afghanistan where they likely need lots of pilots for their newly acquired Air Force. His Afghan visa, in Farsi, will read: “Hi my name is Gabriel-Molina, I am from the Christian Pilots Assn, and am here to help you fight the Americans”. Problem solved.

That is where we should have been deporting everyone here illegally


There is way too much to unpack here–
First of all this nit-wit should not be in our country, then he wouldn’t be causing Chaos
(Yet AGAIN) seems he’s been in trouble before.
Why wasn’t he deported then?
Our leadership is failing us.
Look at his smuge, punk mug-shot…
It says it all right there. He isn’t concerned with our Judicial system, nor our cause and concerns.
Stupid people do stupid things.
It’s just a matter of time, before he kills someone

Hi Lloyd, have deportations been reinstated ? hummm

I assume that since he is in the USA illegally that his eventual penalties for committing all these crimes will be more severe?

The article does not say that he is in the USA illegally, it just says that he’s a citizen of Venezuela.