Garmin Resolves G1000 Issue, Manufacturers Relieved

A problem that stalled shipments of Garmin G1000 avionics last week, affecting deliveries of some piston aircraft, has been resolved, Garmin said on Monday. Garmin has resumed shipments of the GRS 77 AHRS (Attitude Heading Reference System) units, which were the cause of the snafu, used in G1000 installations. "All affected aircraft manufacturers will begin receiving GRS 77 units immediately so that they can resume aircraft deliveries," Garmin said. Production of the GRS 77 will increase incrementally as Garmin ramps up the production line. The AHRS problem was caused by a production process change by a component supplier, Garmin said. The company said it has "identified and isolated the suspect problematic components and is now validating components with additional testing." Garmin said it will issue a Service Bulletin in the near future about those GRS 77 units in the serial number range listed on the 070816-00 Service Advisory. The Service Bulletin will provide instructions on how to have the affected units updated under warranty.

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