Garmin Adds To GFC 500/600 Roster

Garmin has added two new aircraft models to its approved list for its GFC 500/GFC 600-series digital autopilots. New to the approved roster are the Beechcraft Baron A55 and the Robertson STOL (short takeoff and land) versions of the Cessna 180 and 185. The autopilots are already approved for the unmodified versions of the two Cessnas.

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Mark, what is this “185 (nosewheel)” machine you write of?

Jim, it’s either a typo (C-182), or Mark’s been huffing typewriter ribbon fumes! :grin:

I just wish they’d add the capability to the GFC500 to be able to fly an ILS approach without the requirement of a GPS signal. It’s a little catch that can be easy to miss in their documentation.

Are there a lot of ILS approaches out there without an accompanying GPS signal ? I haven’t seen one but really haven’t been looking. It’s the airports without ILS that led me to sell my recent non-WAAS aircraft.

Not normally. But when GPS is unavailable, such as during scheduled outages—frequent here in the SW USA—ILS is a go-to backup. Except, apparently, for GFC 500 operators.

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