FedEx Faces Backlash For Outsourcing U.S. Pilot Jobs

FedEx Corporation is under fire from its own pilots for outsourcing American jobs to foreign carriers, according to the Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l (ALPA).

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This is just a continuation of what’s been done for years. Outsourcing. Flying an aircraft to a 3rd world country for services. Running a company into the ground, and giving the ceo and cfo a golden parachute when they leave.

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An airline is a money-making business. Pilot unions have driven the price up to brain-surgeon pay levels.
And ya know what?
Flying. Is. Not. Brain. Surgery.

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What is not mentioned is if the outsourcing is against the FDX CBA?. The Fedex Pilot Contract gave away some scope protections for money long ago and this seems contractual… it would be great if Avweb could confirm.

Our CBA does not prevent the outsourcing that occured in Europe. As recently as 2023, when Europe flying began to shrink and the Cologne, Germany base closure was announced, the Company told us our fears were unfounded and that they would “continue to support the European flying with Memphis-based pilots”. That turned out to be wildly inaccurate. We are currently in negotiations for a new contract, and stronger scope protections are now high on our list of priorities as a result of the Company’s recent, unprecedented decision to outsource our flying.

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Neurosurgeon Salary in the United States (March 2025):
Average: $692,301 per year.
75th Percentile: $876,001 per year.
25th Percentile: $521,201 per year.

First Officer:
Entry-level First Officer pay can start around $77,760 annually, and can increase to $197,760 with experience.
First Officer pay can also be calculated on an hourly basis, starting around $81/hour for flying Boeing 737.

Captain salaries can range from $224,640 to $268,800 annually.
Hourly pay for Captains can start at $234/hour.

Surgeon screws up, maybe one life lost. Commercial pilot screws up, one times many lives lost. Go figure!

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