Featured Video: Joby's Air Taxi

Powered by six electric motors, Joby's electric aircraft takes off and lands vertically and can carry one pilot and four riders at speeds near 200 knots. Joby is engaged in a multi-year testing program with the FAA to certify the vehicle for commercial operations, and has completed the first three of five stages. It was showing the vehicle at the 2024 NBAA-BACE convention in Las Vegas and AVweb's Russ Niles caught up with Joby's chief pilot of flight operations, Garrett Smith.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/multimedia/featured-video-jobys-air-taxi

At that size and with a commercial pilot flying it’s not much different from a helo today. Quieter and more environmentally friendly but obviously it’s not personal transportation where I thought eVTOL was trying to take us.

Pssst…hey Joby, did you hear about Lilium?

No one has explained to this company that this has been going on for over 60 years? The electric part I guess gets some people all excited.

I think Ford is working on a 3 billion dollar loss so far with this inorganic EV paradigm shift.

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