Earlier this month, the FAA issued an Information for Operators (InFO) release encouraging general aviation organizations to develop and implement a voluntary Safety Management System (SMS) that current U.S. standards that are consistent with those of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). This InFO addresses an update published in April 2024 toward that goal, but did not adequately address issues related to operators of “large and turbojet aircraft operated internationally…as well as part 145 repair stations with European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) authorizations.”
Before everyone comes out swinging and beating up SMS. Watch some videos and read what the benefits are.
Many of you have decades and decades of experience in the Aviation Industry. SMS allows you to pass this wealth of knowledge on to the teenagers and the other people new to Aviation.
Think of SMS as a Flight Manual or FAR/AIM for the Aviation Industry. If it’s written like a manual students will study it and have your knowledge and experience.