Cessna will now offer a new engine in its Skylane 182 that is designed to run on Jet A aviation fuel, the company said on Monday. At a news conference at EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, Cessna officials said that with the Safran-made SMA engine, the Turbo 182 NXT will cruise at 155 knots and burn about 11 gallons per hour. The engine is already certified by both FAA and EASA. "This is something the market was really asking for," said Jeff Umscheid, one of the team of Cessna staffers on hand. The aircraft will start deliveries in the second quarter of next year, Umscheid said, and will replace the 182 avgas version. The engine is paired with a three-blade composite prop. The NXT weighs only about 15 pounds more overall than the standard 182, Umscheid said.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/air-shows-events/cessna-unveils-jet-a-engine-for-skylane