Duffy Confirmed As Transportation Secretary

Sean Duffy, a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives representing Wisconsin, was overwhelmingly approved as the next Secretary of Transportation. The Senate vote confirming Duffy was 77 to 22. The 53-year-old served in the House between 2011 and 2019 and has since served as a commentator for Fox News and co-host of a show on Fox Business.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/sean-duffy-approved-in-77-22-senate-vote

Considering other cabinet appointments,I’m disappointed Judge Shapiro isn’t up for Attorney General !

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Dan Grider has a applied for FAA Administrator. If you follow any of his work, you will learn he is a huge advocate for aviation safety and has the requisite aviation experience GA and commercial. To learn more you can go to change dot org and search for “FAA administrator”.

Guess we won’t have to worry about 100LL going away anytime soon.

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