Drone Collision Report Issued - AVweb

In the heat of the chase for an armed suspect, the operator of a Canadian police surveillance drone didn't tell air traffic control (as required) they were operating near a busy airport in Toronto. The drone collided with a Cessna 172 in August of 2021. According to a Transportation Safety Board report, the York Regional Police pilot told investigators he thought the area about 1.2 nautical miles roughly off the end of Buttonville Airport's Runway 15 was free of traffic and he put the 13.5-pound DJI Matrice M210 into a hover at 400 feet AGL. The instructor and student in the 172 were on final when they heard and felt a significant impact and assumed they'd hit a bird. They continued the approach and landed normally and discovered the extensive damage to the cowl on the ramp.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/drone-collision-report-issued