Dozens Injured In Severe Turbulence Near Hawaii - AVweb

True, but now the attorneys are making the laws.

People just never learn to stay belted in when seated. But then, many of them refuse to obey the directions of the FAs anyway. Yeah, I agree that if they are injured, it is their fault and responsibility.

I recently flew on Lufthansa and they announced that seatbelts were mandatory while seated. I don’t know if this was their own requirement or the German version of the FAA. Good policy, though.

The root cause was turbulence. Who do you sue for the rough air? God?

Yes it is! Pt 91.107(a)(3)

121.317(f) Each passenger required by § 121.311(b) to occupy a seat or berth shall fasten his or her safety belt about him or her and keep it fastened while the “Fasten Seat Belt” sign is lighted. 91.107(a)(3) applies only to taxi, takeoff, and landing.

It will be interesting to learn if this was clear air turbulence or convective. FL400? It’s never a good idea to try and top a thunderstorm, if that’s what they were trying to do.

Most transport category planes are certified for 2G’s. During a check ride steep turns are at 45 degrees of bank. Then I believe the FAA standard for ultimate failure is at 1.5 times the 2G limit.

My wife gets mad at me when she notices wing flex in turbulence and I tell her there is nothing to worry about when the wing is flexing, it’s when the wing stops flexing then you have something to worry about.

Thanks, not familiar with pt121 Regs.