DOT's Airline Refund Rules Go Into Effect Today

A new federal rule on airline refunds went into effect today. The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) edict requires airlines to provide automatic refunds if a flight is canceled or “significantly changed.” When the new policy was announced in April, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttegieg said, “Passengers deserve to get their money back when an airline owes them – without headaches or haggling.”

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Good. If I pay you for a service, and you do no provide that service by cancelling, then you do not get to keep the money.

Long time coming. Keeping my money because you cancelled a flight regardless of reason is robbery plain and simple.

Just curious, but will the airline still have to get you on the next available flight or is the refund all you get? If so, then you have to pay full fare for another flight on that airline or another later that day? I don’t like it if that is the case.

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