The news went from bad to worse for owners of Thielert-diesel-powered Diamond aircraft Monday, many of whom are stuck with grounded airplanes following the German engine manufacturer's bankruptcy two weeks ago. In a lengthy bulletin to owners Monday, Diamond reported that a contentious negotiation with a German bankruptcy administrator has yielded no promise of relief for owners stranded with broken airplanes and without warranty support from Thielert. Moreover, said Diamond, the German bankruptcy firm overseeing Thielert seems more concerned with short-term cash flow than long-term survival of the company and support of customers. Diamond described prices that the administrator has set for replacement parts as "abusive." A new gearbox -- which each engine requires every 300 hours -- sells for $10,113 Euros or $15,700. Clutches and high-pressure pumps, also scheduled replacement items, are similarly high-priced.
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